Saturday, 30 September 2017


డియర్  కామ్రేడ్స్, నేడు    అఖిల భారత తపాలా ఉద్యోగుల సంఘం గ్రూప్-సి    తెలంగాణా సర్కిల్ రాష్ట్ర సంఘ ఆవిర్భావ (30-09-2016) దినోత్సవము,రాష్ట్ర సంఘ సభ్యులకు  శుభాకాంక్షలు.ఈ రోజు విజయదశమి కావడం కూడా మన  అదృష్టం. కావున మన సంఘం విజయపథంలోకి దూసుకెళ్ళలని ఆలాగే మరింత బలపడి,  సభ్యుల  సమస్యలు పరిష్కరించబడాలని  కోరుతూ--     తెలంగాణా  రాష్ట్ర కార్యవర్గ సభ్యులు.....

Picture: Dussehra

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Happy Bathukamma To All The Members Of Telangana Postal Circle  


Image result for bathukamma images telugu

Image result for bathukamma images telugu

  The Telangana state flowers festival of BATHUKAMMA celebrations have been inaugurated by PMG hqr.at Circle office Hyderabad on 27-09-2017.





No. D-11011/36/2016- DBT (Cab.)
Govt. of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission

Subject: Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EFF) accounts regarding.

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat on 25th August, 2017 at 11:00 A.M in the Conference Hall, 4th floor, Shjvaji Stadium Annexe Building, Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi on the subject mentioned above. The list of participants isplaced at Annexure I.

2. Joint Secretary, DBT Mission welcomed the participants and stated that the objective of the meeting is to deliberate on Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF and EPF accounts of employees, examine the possibility of a centralised repository of employees" fund details with Aadhaar as the primary identifier and establishing portability of fund accounts across organisations. He requested all stakeholders to share comments and suggestions in this regard.

3. Deputy CGA, Govt. Banking Arrangements, D/o Expenditure informed that an on-line salary application system, Employee Information System (EIS) is being developed within PF MS for implementation in all Drawing and Disbursing Offices (DDOS) and Pay Accounts Offices (PAOS) of Central Ministries. EIS is envisaged to be a central repository of details of all salaried employees, and it can also maintain details of GPF of government employees. He fiirther stated that at present, Aadhaar number is not a mandatory field in employee information records, due to which Aadhaar seeding may be low. it was discussed that if the employee data on E13 are linked with Aad’naar, it may serve the purpose of establishing interoperability of salary and GPF accounts across DDOs. It was highlighted that Railways and Defence departments are not covered under £18. An example of e-Samarth was cited, which is a centralised database of CRPP (Central Reserve Police Force) in MHA, which may be studied for this purpose. Dy CGA also mentioned that M/o Railways and Defence may also be consulted in this context.

4. Senior Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of IndiaDelhi stated that at present, State AG (Auditor General) offices assign new GPF numbers to employees while moving across different FAQs and there is no centralized mapping system with Aadhaar as the primary identifier. JS. DBT Mission requested that the matter may be taken up with the Office of C&AG, with the concerned Dy C&AG to examine the possibility of mapping all State GPF subscribers across the country. It was suggested that the role of a third party such as NSDL to create and maintain this database may also be examined.

5. Assistant Director, D/o Posts stated that that presently, around 25 lakh PPF accounts out of 27.2 lakh accounts are on Core Banking Solution (CBS) network and these accounts are portable across Post Offices. It was informed that every PPF account is associated with a PPF number and a Customer Identification Form (CIF) number, which is a unique number that holds all personal as well as account related information of the customer. ideally, a customer can have one CIF number in one post office. though the customer can have multiple accounts under these numbers. It was further informed that Aadhaar linking with individual accounts and CIF numbers is being undertaken and 4.7 crore ClFs out of total 56 crore CIFs (which also include savings certificates, term deposit accounts, etc) have been seeded with Aadhaar. JS, DBT pointed out that Aadhaar seeding is very low in this case, and the Department may undertake necessary actions to expedite the same to achieve 100% seeding by December 31, 2017. It was further suggested that all PPF accounts and CIF numbers may be linked with Aadhaar and the Department may share its suggestions on establishing a common repository of all PPF accounts using Aadhaar as the identifier.

Deputy Director, M/o Labour & Employment stated the Universal Account Number (UAN) provides portability for the employees covered under EPF. It was informed that 14 crore out of 4 crore active subscribers’ records have been seeded with Aadhaar. It was discussed that this willenable portability of EPF accounts when the details of Bank Account, Aadhaar and PAN areseeded in UAN database of the employees and are verified by employer on change of job. It was suggested that Aadhaar seeding of all may be taken up priority.

7. Deputy Secretary, Budget, D/o Economic Affairs stated that a host of small saving schemes including PPF are Operated by post offices, public sector banks and select private secror banks and Aadhaar seeding is being undertaken in all these accounts. JS, DBT Mission enquired if the. Department is taking any initiative to have a centralised platform for all savings schemes, given that all banks use different systems and Operate in silos. It was discussed that the Department may examine the matter and share updates in this regard.

After detailed deliberations, the following were agreed upon.
i. All stakeholder Departments to ensure 100% Aadhaar seeding of GPF, PPF and EPF accounts by December 31, 2017.

ii. All Departments to examine the possibility of developing common platforms for their respective service subscribers/employees/account holders using Aadhaar as the unique identifier to ensure portability across the financial system.

iii. DBT Mission to hold a review meeting with senior officers of all stakeholder Departments in the second week of September. 2017 to discuss the issue further.


No. D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.)
Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission 

4th Floor, Shivaji Stadium Annexe
Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi- 110001
Dated: 29th August, 2017

Subject: Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) accounts-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of record of discussion of the meeting held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat on 25.08.2017 at 11.00 AM on the subject mentioned above for information and further necessary action, please.

(Tulsipriya Rajkumari)
Assistant Director
DBT Mission

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066
Date: 22.09.2017
All ACCs (Zones) including ACC (ASD),
All RPFC-I/ RPFC 11 (Regional Offices),

Sub:- Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) -regarding.
Please find enclosed herewith a letter No.D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.) dated 29.08.2017 received from Assistant Director, Cabinet Secretariat, DBT Mission forwarding therewith record of discussions of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission on 25.08.2017, wherein it has been directed that all the Departments should ensure 100% of Aadhaar seeding by December 31,2017.

2. It is requested to implement the instructions issued by the Cabinet Secretariat, DBT Mission, New Delhi for seeding of Aadhaar by December 31, 2017.
[This issues with the approval of ACC-II (CAIU)].

Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
(A.K. Mandal)
Regional P. F. Commissioner-I(CAIU)

Friday, 22 September 2017




Comreds according to our postal co-ordination committee of NFPE appeal letter  to CPMG, Telangana Circle, the officer is kind enough to grant 2hrs permission to women employees to play Telangana traditional & State festival of BATHUKAMMA from 4pm to 6pm wef 20th to 29th September. ln this connection the Circle  Unions of P-III & P-IV & GDS  are  thank full to the CPMG, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad.....
Circle Secretaries of Telangana Circle, Hyderabad.  

                      See Circle Office Order's Below.
All the Circle Office Bearers, Br/Dvnl secretaries & Active members are  requested to implementing the CO orders by the Divisional Heads in Telangana Circle...

Circle Secretaries  of P-III, P-IV & GDS
  Seminar opposing NPS and contractisation at St. George hospital auditorium CSTM, Mumbai by the State & Central government employees.                      
This is another attack on Central Government employees.
     The Govt decided to close down 12 out of 17 Govt of India Printing Presses. The Cabinet rejected the recommendation of the Parliamentary Standing Committee consisting of 32 MPs NOT TO CLOSE DOWN ANY GIPs. But it accepted the report of Group of Secretaries Committee's recommendation TO CLOSE DOWN.

      Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all C-O-Cs and Affiliates to conduct protest demonstrations at all centres and dharnas in front of all GIPs and send resolutions to the  Prime Minister = M.Krishnan SG.

Forwarded as received from com. Krishnan.


            Government decided to close down 12 out of 17 Government of India Presses.

            Cabinet rejected recommendation of the Parliamentary standing committee consisting of 32 MPs not to close down any Government of India Presse  and accepted the report of Group of Secretaries to close down

        Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all C-O-Cs and Affiliates to conduct protest  demonstrations at all Centers and Dharnas in front of all Government of India Presses and  send resolutions to Prime Minister.

    M. Krishnan
Secretary General

                  APPROXIMATE DA 6%

Expected DA and DR Calculator from January 2018 for CG Employees and Pensioners

A simple online tool to calculate the expected Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief with input of AICPIN (Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers BY 2001=100) from January 2018 for Central Government Employees and Pensioners.
12 Month Total3328
12 Month Average277.33 (3328/12)
Increased Over 261.426.09 (277.33 - 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%6
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – July 2017. The All India CPI-IW for July, 2017 increased by 5 points and pegged at 285. The Index increased by 1.79% between June, 2017 and July, 2017 when compared with the increase of 1.08% for the corresponding months of last year
Month / Year
274 (-1)
274 (0)
MARCH 2017
275 (+1)
APRIL 2017
277 (+2)
MAY 2017
278 (+1)
JUNE 2017
280 (+2)
Total Increased
6 Points
Month / Year
JULY 2017
285 (+5)
Total Increased
Source: https://7thpaycommissionnews.in/

Circle Relaxation Committee Meeting on 20.9.2017 in Telangana Circle : Recommended & Rejected GDS Compassionate Engagements

Is it really mandatory to link Aadhaar with bank account and mobile

We have all been getting repeated reminders from mobile service providers and banks via text messages and other means that it is mandatory to link our phone numbers and bank accounts with the 12-digit unique identification number Aadhaar. Failing which, our bank accounts and mobile numbers will cease to exist, if the seeding is not done within the stipulated deadline-- December 31, 2017 for bank accounts and February 28, 2018 for mobile numbers.

Screenshot of a banking app pop-up
While the government has indeed directed telecom companies and banks to get this done, is this really mandatory or even legal?
We spoke to Supreme Court lawyer Apar Gupta to understand the legalities around this.
For starters, before the deadline, banks and mobile service providers cannot disable your account or number, says Gupta. As far as the legality of the directive is concerned, he says "It's under a cloud and there are right now doubts that exist about the legality of the Aadhaar system."
The 'cloud' that Gupta mentions is formed from the landmark Supreme Court ruling in August which states that Indians enjoy a fundamental right to privacy, that it is intrinsic to life and liberty and thus comes under Article 21 of the Indian constitution.
"The right to privacy judgement got all of us very excited and there were questions which came up right after the judgement that what is its impact on Aadhaar. For this lawyers then went to the Supreme Court and said that you now have the right to privacy firmly established under the Constitution and now you need to apply it to the pending court cases which challenge the Aadhaar scheme.
Now, a lot of these court cases also challenge Aadhaar specifically being linked to a lot of government services which are now requiring it as a precondition for the service itself," says Gupta who had argued for petitioners in the Right to Privacy case and also represents those challenging Aadhaar.
These cases are due to be heard in November which is prior to the seeding deadlines, adds the lawyer who is a vocal critic of the Aadhaar scheme over concerns around security and privacy.
So, by November some legal clarity on whether Aadhaar is unconstitutional or if it's legal and justified is expected to emerge. This in turn will obviously have a bearing on whether all of us indeed need to get our Aadhaar seeded with our bank accounts and mobile numbers.
"People who believe that Aadhaar opens them up to a large array of concerns including privacy, profiling and even identity theft they should hold on. But again this is a very personal call each person has to take after they asses where they stand on this issue and how they personally assess the level of impact it's going to cause them," says Gupta.
It would be interesting to look back at the Supreme Court's judgement in the Aadhaar- PAN linking case here (which was delivered a couple of months before the right to privacy verdict), where the top court stated that while the government was right in asking for Aadhaar to be linked with the 10-digit alpha-numeric PAN, it was too harsh a punishment to deactivate someone's PAN altogether. It results in the "civil death" of a person as they are not able to function effectively in society, the court had stated. Having your bank account and mobile number disabled would also similarly result in "civil death" opines Gupta.
The Aadhaar-PAN issue will again be argued in November as it came before the right to privacy judgement, Gupta says.
The government on its part wants to link almost all essential services to Aadhaar to plug leakages and gaps that exist within the system as India moves towards digitisation. The Centre seems to believe that Aadhaar could be that proverbial 'silver bullet' that takes down terrorism, money laundering, black marketeering and other frauds, all at once.
Every resident who has an Aadhaar has their biometrics (fingerprints, iris scan) linked to the 12-digit unique identity. According to the government, over 99 per cent of adults in India are enrolled in the program, with nearly 90 per cent of the entire population coming under its fold.
Source:-The Times of India

Postal dept ‘outsources’ work, ‘agents’ fill in for delivery staff at post offices

The OPAs are paid an amount of Rs 5 per article delivered. Between April to August 31, the OPA appointed in Pune MFL delivered 2,198 articles and was paid a total commission of Rs 10,990.

The OPAs carry out jobs such as booking, picking up and delivering speed post, registered post, business parcel and express parcel within the city.

Shortage of staff at four post offices in the city has prompted the Pune Postal Department to, for the first time, ‘outsource’ some of its work. It has tied up with nine Outsource Postal Agents (OPAs) on the basis of work-based payments, and the OPAs have been filling in for the delivery staff since April.
“As per the circular by Department of Posts, if there are vacant posts in the post offices and excessive work load, the Postal Department can tie up with OPAs to get the work done. We have not tied up with any private agency, but with individuals, on the basis of work-based payment. The charge for the various works that they carry out are finalised by the department,” said Ganesh Sawaleshwarkar, postmaster general, Pune Region.
The OPAs carry out jobs such as booking, picking up and delivering speed post, registered post, business parcel and express parcel within the city.
While as many as nine OPAs were hired in four post offices across Pune Rural, Pune City West and Pune City East in April, only four OPAs are active on the field. On why the other OPAs were inactive, Sawaleshwarkar said, “They left because they felt the payment offered for the work was too less.”
Of the four post offices where the OPAs are active, two are in Hadapsar, one in Phursungi and one in Hinjewadi.
The OPAs are paid an amount of Rs 5 per article delivered. Between April to August 31, the OPA appointed in Pune MFL delivered 2,198 articles and was paid a total commission of Rs 10,990. Likewise, the three OPAs appointed at post offices in Pune City East delivered 1,17,440 articles between April and August. Altogether, an amount of Rs 5,87,200 was paid as commission between the three OPAs.
“Since it has only been a few months… we are yet to understand all the issues that can crop up in such an arrangement. Once we are able to understand them, we will be able to fix the loopholes,” said Sawaleshwarkar.
The Pune city postal department has 1,504 personnel across 149 post offices. The postal work handled by Pune Postal Department is significantly high. On an average, 49,000 speed post articles are handled by the computerised National Sorting Hub every day. Around 70 per cent growth in parcel traffic has been registered by Pune Region in 2016-17.