Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission — implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, 16th August, 2017.

Subject:    Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission — implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Seventh Central Pay Commission for providing extra benefits to women employees with disabilities especially when they have young children and children with disability, the President is pleased to issue the following instructions:-

(i) Women with disabilities shall be paid Rs.3000/-per month as Special Allowance for Child care.
The allowance shall be payable from the time of the child’s birth till the child is two years old.

(ii) It shall be payable for a maximum of two eldest surviving children.

(iii) Disability means a person having a minimum Disability of 40% as elaborated in Ministry of Welfare’s Notification No. 16-18/97-NI.I dated 1.6.2001 and amended from time to time.

(iv) The above limit would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.

2.These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

3.Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and auditor General of India.

(Navneet Misra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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