Grant of MACP ignoring promotion earned through Departmental competitive examination - NFPE write to Secreary, DOP
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Ref: PF/NFPE/MACP Dated – 10.04.2017
Shri B. V. Sudhakar
Secretary (P)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Grant of MACP ignoring promotion earned through Departmental competitive examination.
Ref: - Dte. No. 2-19/2015-PCC dated 01.03.20417.
Your kind attention is invited towards Directorate letter No. referred above under which the instructions were issued to Chief PMG Tamilnadu Circle to grant MACP III to Sri. D. Siva Kumar Retd. SPM, Madras Medical College SO, Chennai ignoring his promotion earned through Departmental competitive examination based on the judgment given by Hon’ble Madras Tribunal in case No.1088/2011 vide order dated dated 14.03.2013 which was upheld by Supreme Court of India vide order in SLP No. 4848/2016 dated 16.08.2016.
As you are aware that in Department of Post about 50% of employees come through various departmental competitive examinations do not get the benefit of 3rd MACP as the promotion earned through departmental competitive examination is counted as one MACP.
It is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instructions according to this verdict of Supreme Court, so that all similarly placed officials may get the benefit of it to meet the end of justice as per spirit of constitutions of India.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary
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